Saturday, December 28, 2019

Research Proposal Essay - 2147 Words

Research Proposal, Part II Team A CJA/334 March 4, 2013 Susan Wind Abstract Within the following paragraphs and presentation Team A will identify the research proposal of the education and mindset behind the choice of a career in law enforcement. The objective of the research is to understand and develop funding needed for that choice. The proposal will include the methods used, the factors, significance behind the design, procedures followed, and if the results are confirmed within the hypothesis. The anticipated outcome of this research is to understand why the choice of a career in law enforcement and address the needs of education and funding to help†¦show more content†¦As a child playing the infamous police and robbers, the thought of what he or she wants to do with his or her lives takes a major pivotal approach to growing up. It seems that everyone needs protection and the best way to accomplish this would be to choose the career of an officer. According to Hendricks, the major element consists of the individual a natural born leader (Hendricks, 2011). Additionally, another vital part is that in which the individual finds it easy to work within a chain of command career. Officers must take their career seriously to the point that he or she would be willing to lose their own lives for the protection and service that society needs. Unlike an office job, an individual seeking to become a police officer has many chances to save lives, the ability to enjoy the variety of duties assigned to him or her and have the opportunity to help the individuals within the community to change for the better. Law enforcement officers rely on their trustworthiness, decisions, understanding, insightfulness, and endurance. Many opportunities do not allow rational thinking, but upon absorption of important information must make decisions quickly before jumping into action. Law enforcement within the criminal justice system can be challenging to tolerate. Officers are unique because of the uniforms and the ability to have po ssession of weapons within the public. Psychology shows that the public may look at an officer notShow MoreRelatedResearch Proposal661 Words   |  3 PagesTO: Professor Sara Cutting FROM: Kiersten McCaffrey DATE: February 18, 2014 SUBJECT: Begin Business Plan for Potential Future Investment Background In the beginning of the semester you requested that I research a topic related to a personal decision such as a future goal. I am currently employed at a yoga studio and have a general understanding of the hard work that goes into running a small business. At the same time, I also directly see the benefits of owning a successful business.Read MoreProposal For A Research Proposal814 Words   |  4 PagesWhat is it? A typical research proposal is used by scholars and students who have an interest in your field. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Descriptive Essay My Dream - 810 Words

In my dream, I am in a small boat in rough waters. It is a dark night, with a full moon, dark clouds filling the horizon. I am sitting in a small wooden boat in the ocean or large lake. I cannot see land in any direction. The waters are rough, with large waves rocking the boat. The waves are so rough they are causing water is spray into my face. I am afraid that the boat will tip over and I will drown. I hold on to the sides with both hands. Suddenly up ahead I can see large rocks in the water, large waves crashing against the dark gray slick sides. My boat is going to hit them. Suddenly I am traveling between the rocks standing stark and cold on both sides. My small boat travels between several of them and into a rushing river. I am full of dread, I will certainly sink and drown. I travel down the rushing river. There are high, dark cliffs on both sides. In the distance I can see the cliffs ending and the river disappearing out of my sight. As I travel closer and close r I can hear the sounds of a waterfall. I travel down the river, between the cliffs and over a large waterfall. I fall from a great height, walking up in my bed, still filling as though I will drown. Working With The Dream A small boat in rough water feels like I am out of control. Control is an allusion. It is dark and I do not know where I am or where I am going. I am in a small boat alone like life that is sometimes solitary and must be traveled alone. Life can sometimes feel roughShow MoreRelatedDescriptive Essay : My Dream 1277 Words   |  6 Pageshave always looked up to beautiful people. My dream was to look beautiful and be an icon. I did not know that this passion I had for aesthetics would grow each day to make me an environmentalist. The taste I had for beauty was being nurtured for the environment. My parents were fascinated by the manner in which I started doing house chores by my own. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

How Far Will Microsoft Get Essay Example For Students

How Far Will Microsoft Get? Essay How Far Will Microsoft Get?The first question that we must ask is, How dangerous is Microsoft? There are two chief groups as the objects of that question that of Microsofts product consumers and that of Microsofts competitors. A distinction must be made between the two when answering such a question due to the extreme differences between both. Whether a decision or action made by Microsoft is beneficial or not to one of the two does not mean that its true for the other. Often times the opposite is true. In fact, most consumers barely regard Microsoft as the dangerous monsters some view them to be. What Microsoft leads their consumers to believe is that their product is superior, and more affordable. Many competitors have voiced cries of monopolistic abuse saying that Microsoft unfairly exploits its ownership of the personal computer operating system. One of the main complaints they have is with the Microsoft ownership of the actual base operating system of all Windows computers: MS-DOS. Bill Gates, the chairman and co-founder of Microsoft, has done an excellent job of hiding DOS behind his companys Windows software. Together, DOS and Windows have had an incredible influence on the computer world taking almost 95% of the personal computers on the market. Because of Microsofts dominance in these two areas of personal computing the company receives an advantage that is essential in determining the danger Microsoft exhibits toward their competitors. Bill Gates tightened his grasp on the industry through an ingenious deal he made with PC producers. In the contract, Gates is guaranteed payment for every computer shipped, regardless of whether or not his operating system was installed in the computer. Thus, without paying double, the manufacturers could not install another companys operating system therefore Microsoft was awarded a near monopoly. The title to these two programs, especially Windows, provides Microsoft with an unrestricted and exclusive median to promote, feature, and offer its programs. Offering its programs as pre-installed applications of Windows software allows Microsoft to seize a large portion of the software market, especially in the word-processing and spreadsheet division where Microsoft presents its Word and Excel programs. These two applications have been incorporated, along with others, into a package known as Microsoft Office. With this program, Microsoft has captured ninety percent of that market. Furthermore, because Microsoft controls the operating system of the PC, its competitors must render their applications and software compatible with the parameters contrived by Microsoft. Consequently, these competitors must always be at the mercy of changes made by Microsoft. This limits the ability of these companies to plan for the long-run. As stated by Gary Reback, the attorney for the competitors of Microsoft filing a suit against the corporation, Microsoft retains a monopoly of the operating system in personal computers, which, essentially, is the brain. This brain controls the arms and legs of the computer (software) and inherently controls the arms and legs of the industry that are the competitive firms. This kind of control is deemed unlawful, unfair, and anti-competitive by Reback, the firms, and many others. It is this kind of control that strengthens Microsoft and makes the company that much more dangerous to competitors. Another example of the danger that Microsoft threatens toward its competitors is an issue involving the release of Microsofts new operating system, Windows 95. Whether intentionally or not, the arrival of this new operating system was delayed again and again by Microsoft. This in turn delays other companies dependent on the Microsoft operating system in order to maintain some degree of competition. These delays result in additional, unwanted expenditures and other costs easily swallowed by the Microsoft Corporation, but inflicting severe detriments to other smaller companies who cannot afford the added costs. The danger of Microsoft to its competitors is now becoming more and more evident. Microsoft is further alleged of exploiting its ownership of the PC operating system in such ways as including secret parts of Windows that help its own applications. .u85d14928f3a9f5a4896c966626d171fd , .u85d14928f3a9f5a4896c966626d171fd .postImageUrl , .u85d14928f3a9f5a4896c966626d171fd .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u85d14928f3a9f5a4896c966626d171fd , .u85d14928f3a9f5a4896c966626d171fd:hover , .u85d14928f3a9f5a4896c966626d171fd:visited , .u85d14928f3a9f5a4896c966626d171fd:active { border:0!important; } .u85d14928f3a9f5a4896c966626d171fd .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u85d14928f3a9f5a4896c966626d171fd { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u85d14928f3a9f5a4896c966626d171fd:active , .u85d14928f3a9f5a4896c966626d171fd:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u85d14928f3a9f5a4896c966626d171fd .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u85d14928f3a9f5a4896c966626d171fd .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u85d14928f3a9f5a4896c966626d171fd .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u85d14928f3a9f5a4896c966626d171fd .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u85d14928f3a9f5a4896c966626d171fd:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u85d14928f3a9f5a4896c966626d171fd .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u85d14928f3a9f5a4896c966626d171fd .u85d14928f3a9f5a4896c966626d171fd-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u85d14928f3a9f5a4896c966626d171fd:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Of Mice And Men Persuasive Essay When considering whether a monopoly should persist or not the factors must be examined closely. Whether or not the consumers are being exploited is something that is essential when contemplating the break-up of a monopolistic firm. Often times, and in the case of Microsoft, the consumers benefit from the monopoly. In the matter of Microsoft, being in the industry of PC and the products that are Microsoft are thriving, the other firms in the industry are thriving as well, but only not in comparison to Microsoft. Microsoft freely provides the technical details of its software to rivals, thus allowing them to get up to speed with Microsoft and, to some degree, compete with it. Capitalism has allowed Bill Gates to thrust ahead of his former peers and develop what is nearly a natural monopoly. Under the perfect competition of capitalism Carl Marx deemed that the individualistic and unorganized process of this market system would eventually lead to its own downfall. Capitalism would become so complex that, without direction, its freedom would lead to ruination. Marx was in favor of monopoly, though he never foresaw their existence in capitalism. He believed that, especially if the government should regulate it, monopolies would bring the market system into a more centralized and equal type of economy: socialism. In viewing Microsoft, Henry George, a Victorian economist, would be opposed. For many people have gained great wealth by obtaining what he calls unearned income. This unearned income took form in the money that was made as a result of possessing shares of Microsoft whose stock skyrocketed, leaving many people millionaires. Marshall, another Victorian economist, almost need not apply to the concerns of Microsoft. His philosophy of supply and demand is principally in accordance with chief market doctrines of supply and demand. It is apparent to all of whom study economics that in the short-run consumer demand takes precedence over supply, whereas the positions are reversed in the long-run. Along with supply in the long-run costs of production helps govern and assert the price of the product. . But while Microsoft may be limiting its competition, it is aiding the consumer. For it is able to charge a lower price and produce more efficiently because of smaller costs than if it existed in a purely competitive industry. Moreover, Microsoft is not the stereotypical monopoly, in that it continues to innovate how else are upgrades to its present software explained. Thus, by rule of reason it would not be right to break-up this firm, for its existence is beneficial to the public. Slight regulatory action may be needed though in order to provide its competitors with more of a fighting chance. Competition still exists though and in the unpredictable industry of technology a firm can plummet and rise swiftly (IBM, for example, replaced Apple Computers in the early 1980s, but was soon ousted by the income bent Microsoft). Microsoft recent affluence may connote a peak of its power. It seems to have saturated all easily obtained territory. Its profits may soon begin to dwindle as it loses its might this will be proven in the near future as Microsoft takes on Linux. It seems to some that the impatience and over confidence of Bill Gates may soon lead to his companys downfall as the leader of the industry.Category: Technology

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Should the School continue to serve Breakfast free essay sample

With a students schedule looking more and more like the presidents it is no wonder that students dont have time to eat a healthy nutritious breakfast in the morning. Long commutes and extended and non-traditional work hours. (Lafleur) Are often major contributors in a students decision not to eat breakfast. There is money to be made in the selling of breakfast foods. On average our school makes about 65.00 a day according to Joyce Kenning. That is an average of over 11,000 dollars in an average school year. This money could be put towards fixing the current problems in the computer program. Breakfast is an important meal that no student should miss and it is a great money making opportunity for the school district. Some people think that having the lunch ladies come in and make the breakfast is a waste of their time and effort to make food that might end up in the trash. We will write a custom essay sample on Should the School continue to serve Breakfast? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Some people also say that students have time to eat at home. However these people dont realize it takes only 45 minutes (Kuenning) to make the burritos and that there are a number of factors that make it so a student runs out of time in the morning to eat breakfast. Long commutes and extended and non-traditional work hours often make it difficult for families to find enough time in the morning to eat a nutritious breakfast. Late bus arrivals and the unwillingness of some students to arrive at school (Lafleur). These factors make it so that a student cant get a healthy breakfast in the morning. While adults need to eat breakfast each day to perform their best, kids need it even more. Their growing bodies and developing brains rely heavily on the regular intake of food. When kids skip breakfast, they can end up going for as long as eighteen hours without food, and this period of semi starvation can create a lot of physical, intellectual and behavioral problems for them.'(McAllister) It is for these reasons that it is very important for students to each a good breakfast in the morning. Breakfast is an important meal that no student should miss and it is a great money maker for the school. Breakfast can lead to better grades and it is also a great money maker for the school. Students today have a massive schedule that keeps them going from dawn till dusk and doesnt leave much time for making a nutritious and healthy breakfast that is why it is nice that our school offers a breakfast program. Work Cited Kuenning, Joyce. Personal Interview. Thursday, February 26, 2009 Lafleur, Stephens. School Breakfast: Who Needs It? Connect for Kids April 13,2003. Connect for kids. February 24, 2009 McAllister, Rallie. The Most Important Meal of the Day. WebMD. June 11, 2008 WebMd. February 20, 2009